Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Subtraction websites

Here is the fab 'Soccer Subtraction' website we have been using in class    -----> Soccer Subtraction
This is the 'Target Takeaway' game we have also been using in class   ------> Target Takeaway

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Learning intenetions: Week beginning 28th March 2011

Literacy: Be looking at the Easter story and understand why we recognise Easter within the Christian culture. We will be enjoying the story and creating our own versions on the '2create a story' software on the IWB. Also looking at the traditions we have to celebrate Easter such as Easter bunny/Easter eggs/chickens etc.

Maths: Be practising their taking away skills within practical situations. The ch will each have a puppet who is going shopping and will put 'x' pieces of food into their basket. Their puppet will then eat 'y' pieces and they will have to work out how many are left.

Topic: Be making mothers day cards by designing the front using a range of collage materials into a flower. They will be thinking about he feature of the flower and how best to make those features look effective using the available materials. Also scribing the insides of their cards.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Materials sorting game

Here is a game to sort materials against the criteria of being waterproof or not and being bendy. Think about the properties of each object.

In this game, you need to label the different materials on the picture (Grown ups may need to help read the labels)

Maths game: Under The Sea

Here is the maths game we were using today, you can use it for counting, adding and taking away practise.
Have fun! ------>Under the Sea

Learning intentions: week beginning 21st March

LITERACY: Be thinking about the three little pigs from last week and attempting some independent writing about their favourite part. The ch will get a mini book template and using their knowledge from last week be writing a sentence about their favourite part using their phonics to have a go at sounding out the words.

MATHS: Be practising their adding skills in an Easter egg hunt. The ch have to hunt and find 2 eggs and then count out the objects to add them together. They will then put the answer into the correct sorting circle and have a go at writing their add sum on the easel.

TOPIC: Be sorting a range of materials depending on their properties. The ch will choose their own criteria to sort by and discuss what it feels like, what it reminds them of, what it is similar and different to etc. They will be comparing them to things they are familiar with at home etc.

Golden Children 18th february 2011

Kimi: Kimi is starting to open up more and is enjoying sharing her ideas more with grown ups. She has lots of friends and enjoys spending time both with them and with the grown ups in her class.
Grace: Grace is a sensible member of the class who keeps all her friends in check and knows how to sort out any problems.

Monday, 14 March 2011

What have we been up to today?! Monday 14th March....

Nathan: "I have done 3 paintings, one was space!"

Grace: "I made a back pack in the model making! I used string to carry it!"

Connor: "I did a painting of power rangers!"

Leah: "I made a guitar in the model making, I used two boxes and elastic boxes."

Danny: "I played frogs with Lilly and Jack and Olivia. We made a frog pool and a bath."

Rhianna: "At school I made a guitar in the model making with Leah!"

Tayjus: "I did some hard work in the writing area and it was the lifecycle of the frog."

Harrison: "I played outside with Connor and we made some lego ice cream blasters."

Zofia: "I did in the dough some tadpoles and some frogs."

Tiyah: "I made a storybook about faries."

Jodie: "I made a secret box in the model making, there was shiny coins inside."

Jack S: "I played with the crab glove in the pirates."

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Weekly learning intentions: Week beginning 14th March

Literacy: Be retelling the familiar story 'The three little pigs'. They will be using a range of picture queues, to prompt retelling in the correct sequence, putting them in order and thinking about the repetitive language in the story. This will also be making 3 little pigs houses and acting out with masks.

Maths: Be using the numicon to practise skills of addition. They will be fixing two pieces together to make different number bonds and having a go at writing the sum. We will be linking into practical adding activities such as x number of objects y more will equal?

Topic: Be looking at our frog spawn we have in class from the pond and discussing what it looks like. We will be looking at the life cycle of the frog and putting it in order, writing a caption for one part (Chose by the children). They will look closely at how the frog spawn changes and develops through pictures.

Golden Children 11th February 2011

Tia: Tia tries so hard to make adults proud of her, always keen to impress and is a very popular memeber of FS2.
Megan: Megan is always golden, she is polite, willing to learn and follow instructions, with super manners and behaviour.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Maths ICT games from last week.

Here are the two games we were playing in maths last week for you to play at home....

This is the 'Wack a mole' game----> Whack A Mole

This is the 'Nile Numbers' game------> Nile Numbers

Golden Children 4th March 2011

Kiera: Kiera is a super star and is well behaved every single day. She is always doing the right thing in class, at playtime, at dinner time, in fact, all the time!

Jack S: I am so proud of Jack and his atttitude towards learning. He is keen and eager to get involved in all activities and tries 100%!

Well done I'm a very proud teacher!

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Learning intentions week beginning 28th Feb

Literacy: Be working in our new pirate role play area. The ch will be developing their speaking and listening and imaginative role play. They will be interacting and negotiating with each other, taking on different roles and writing for a purpose in the form of treasure maps, and other themed writing.

Maths: Be guessing how many objects are in their tin and then counting them before having a go at working out how far away they were with their guess. They will also be combining two tins to work out how many altogether and having a go at writing the add sum.

Topic: Be thinking about our new topic 'materials'. We will be using the term 'properties'. They will be exploring a range of different materials thinking about what they feel like, look like and are made out of and WHY these materials are used for the things they are. They will be comparing them and thinking about why some are more suitable than others.