Monday, 30 April 2012


This week in our topic we are planting beans and hoping to grow some bean plants!!

Can you remember the stages as the plant grows?

What do we hope to get at the end?

Follow this link to see the instructions for how to grow your own bean could try grow one at home to compare to the ones we are growing in class! ---> Grow-a-bean-plant

What will be inside these pods?

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Observational paintings of flowers using powder paints

Last week we had our artistic hats on and were carefully painting observational paintings of flowers to link to our growing topic. We used powder paints to mix and find the correct colour and shade we needed for the different parts of the flowers and the results look fantastic!!

Can you remember how we made green for the stalk and leaves?

What colours did we mix to make the purple for the petals?

You can play a colour mixing game here to experiment at home!!---> Colour Mixing

Here are a few of us hard at work...

Thursday, 26 April 2012

The parts of a plant and their jobs!!

We have been learning all about the different parts of plants this week and discussing what we think the job is of each part, and trying to write sentences to describe each job... Can you rememeber the main parts that are labelled on this flower?

What two main jobs do the roots have?

Why does the flower look so pretty?

See if you can think of a sentence to describe each part!!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Our Garden Centre Role Play Area!!

To link to our growing topic, we have transformed our role play area into a very exciting garden centre! We have been exploring seeds, gardening tools and practising paying for different items. So far it's been very popular and lots of fun!! Here a few pics of us in action...

Ready to dig!

The cashier hard at work!

Lots of garden tools here!!

Super gardeners!

Hmmm how much does this cost altogether?

Trowel at the ready!

Don't forget to pay!

Challenge area: Label the gardening objects...

That's my garden shopping done!

A busy till, lots to buy!

The garden centre cafe is busy too!!

What a pretty flower!

Pondering what to buy...

Planting some seeds from the garden centre outside...

Make sure it goes in the right way up!

Spade at the ready!

What else do I need to help me plant?

More happy garden shoppers!

Don't forget your change!!

Digging and wheelbarrowing!

Have you got everything you need?!

Monday, 23 April 2012


This week we are focusing on symmetry in our maths, by having a go at making symmetrical pictures in all the different areas of provision and using lots of different resources!

Use this kaleidoscope to watch the symmetry pattern as you move the mouse---> Symmetrizer

Symmetry in the dough!

Colour symmetry in the maths area...

Using the pegs and peg boards...

Can you complete the half done picture?

Using a plank as the line of symmetry in the construction!

Lego symmetry!

More completed symmetrical shape pictures...

Super work!!!

Using resources in the model making to make symmetry!

Super dough symmetry!

More peg board colour symmetry...

Deep in thought placing the pieces correctly!

Having a good go on the IWB!

Great try Maddison!!

Super proud of all your effort Ashaz!

Working together and helping each other

Look at this one!

Very engaged and super thinking!!

All done!

BIG symmetry

Completing the picture...

Lego symmetry in the construction!

Wow! That's a complicated one, bet that took lots of thought!


More shape symmetry...

This is fun!!

Lots of smiles and having a great time!!

Keep up all the effort!!