Thursday, 30 June 2011

Create your own superbug!!!

Here is the minibeast game we had on in class today...create your own superbug!!!

Click here----> SUPERBUG!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Lifecycle of a Caterpillar!

In FS2 we are currently looking after 5 caterpillars and watching them grow and change as they move through their lifecycle.

Test your knowledge of the lifecycle of a caterpillar by playing this game----->

Learning intentions: Week beginning 27th June 2011

Literacy: Be exploring the non-fiction mini beast encyclopedia. The children will be writing their own fact about a mini beast of their choice to go into a class mini beast encyclopedia. They will be using the encyclopedia to find information and identify mini beasts.

Maths: Be following, identifying and using positional language to attempt the obstacle course. It will be a fun interactive way of developing positional language. They will be thing about how to pass and alternative ways of tackling the obstacles.

Topic: Be painting observational paintings of a mini beast, looking closely at the detail in a photograph and thinking about how they can make a good representation using the correct colours and shapes. Also discussion about the features of their mini beast.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

What have we been doing today? A day in the life of FS2!!

 Discussing todays computer game!
 Experimenting in the water!
 Look at our super paintings!!
 Snack time, yumyum.
 What story CD is it today? Oh it's Charlie and Lola!!!
 Look at our jungle animal house!!
 Super writing in the jungle explorer area.
 We're jungle explorers!!
 Reading our literacy story for this week...Rumble in the Jungle!
Making dinner out of playdough!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Leanring intentions: Week beginning 20th June 2011

Literacy: Be reading the 'Rumble in the Jungle' and thinking about the different animals that live in the jungle and drawing on the rhyming patterns in the story. The children will be choosing a jungle animal to describe and writing sentences using their phonics to spell to describe and discuss their animal.

Maths: Be practising learning and remembering some number bonds to ten. We will be using minibeasts on 2 big pretend leaves. They will be trying different ways of making ten and practising the vocab involved in addition.

Topic: Be going on a mini beast hunt around the school ground. Thinking about the places they can be found and looking closely at detail. They will be trying to identify them using the mini beast encyclopedia. (We didn't end up doing this last week as were too busy preparing for the assembly).


Monday, 13 June 2011

Number bonds to 10!

In maths this week we are practising our number bonds to 10. Here on this website there are 4 different activities:
Starter activity
Main session - part 1
Main session - part2

Have a go at them all!! Click here ------> Number bonds to 10

Here is another activity to practise your number bonds to 10...put two numbers on the aliens that add up to 10 under the spaceship spotlight and click 'check'
 Click here-------> Alien number bonds

Friday, 10 June 2011

Learning intentions: Week beginning 13th June 2011

Literacy: Be writing the insides of their fathers day cards and then preparing for our class assembly which is Monday (20th June).

Maths: Be practising learning and remembering some number bonds to ten. They will be trying different ways of making ten and practising the vocab involved in addition.

Topic: Be going on a mini beast hunt around the school ground. Thinking about the places they can be found and looking closely at detail. They will be trying to identify them using the mini beast encyclopedia.

Build Your Wildself

I know how much you all love playing this game and it links to our topic of jungle safari and minibeasts. See what crazy and interesting animals you can turn yourself and your friends/family into!

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Learning intentions: Week beginning 6th June 2011

Literacy - Be reading the 'Farmer duck' story, as a whole class. We will be working in our new jungle/safari/explorer role play area, modelling appropriate language and role playing in various roles, investigating and exploring and identifying opportunities for writing.

Maths - Be looking at the properties of shapes and using string to manipulate into different shapes, discussing how they are making it. The will then be using language to compare different shapes to others.

Topic - Be thinking about our new topic 'mini beasts' and exploring what a mini beast is. They will also be using clay to make presents for fathers day, using a range of skills and equipment to adapt, mould and manipulate the clay.