Kayne: I have played in the playdough with Bobby making buns!
Ellen: I was maming triangles and other shapes in the maths with Izzy.
Jacob H: I have been playing in the rocket area with Dylan. I was pretending to be a spaceman!
Ben: I was playing out with Rose D, it made me stiff!
Edward: I have been playng in the maths with Kayden we were building a rocket ship.
Freya: Me, Emily and Rose were playing in the water. We played with the ducks!
Rose B: I played in the playdough with Maddison and Karis and Freya. We made cakes and buns!
Rose D: I was playing horses and dogs with Ben and Liam.
Ashaz: I played in the sand with Freddie.
Liam: Me, Ben, Bobby, Rose, Ben and Issy made a dragon castle in the construction.
Freddie: I played in the sand with Dylan andplayed Ben 10.