Monday, 21 November 2011

What are we doing this week? Week beginning 21st Nov

Literacy: Be using our phonics to segment and spell cvc words by choosing an object from the magic box, sounding it out to hear the three sounds, using phonic mats to help them write the sounds to spell the word. They will then be checking each others spelling to encourage peer assessment.

Maths: Be turning over numbers and recognising what they are before running to the beanbag basket to count out that many into their own baskets. They will be then bringing them back to the table and each child will count them for the rest of the group to check.

Topic: Be developing physical skills and movement through the use of the 'sco gym' apparatus and an obstacle course. They will be using a range of skills to balance, climb under and over, through hoops, walk along stilts etc. They will move safely and be encourage to describe the movement they are doing.


  1. Freddie always come's home from school and says lets do some jolly phonics

  2. That's great Grace I'm glad he likes to practise!!! Miss Morris x
