A pirate number line to practise our numbers to 20. |
Where does this number go? |
Are they all in the right order now? |
Making treasure maps! |
Ahoy me hearties! |
Small world pirate play! |
What does the word on this coin say? |
A cannon to fight the enemies! |
Hmmmm lets sound this one out, real or rubbish? |
Rubbish! |
Is this word a real word or rubbish word? |
Which numbers have been mixed up here? |
All ordered and corrct! |
Carefully placing the numbers... |
This one goes here! |
Close your eyes while Miss Morris mixes two up! |
I think it's these two that need swapping! |
Pirate friends ready to set sail! |
my name is jack hi I like maths and dressing up as football players. good work whith your maths well done