Sunday 8 May 2011

Learning intentions: Week beginning 9th May

Literacy: Be retelling the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. They will be acting out the story and sequencing it in the correct order. They will also be pretending they have some 'magic beans' and imagining what they will grow into, writing their ideas using their phonics to help.

Maths: Be revisiting the properties of basic shapes and then exploring the concept of symmetry. They will be completing half done symmetrical pictures to practise their skills and then having a go at making their own.

Topic: Be planting our beans to grow our bean plants. We will be planting them in glass jars so we can watch the roots and the shoots as they start to grow. We will be looking at the lifecycle of the bean plant and linking into our literacy 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.

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